Monday 29 August 2016

Monsoon Related Diseases And Dangers To Be Wary Of This Rainy Season

The rainy season is coming, the perfect breeding ground for germs and bacteria which in turn lead to water borne diseases that affects a lot of people, that's exactly the reason why you see very few people in office. They may not be enjoying a trek on some remote mountain. "Health problems such as cold, flu, malaria or gastroenteritis are on a rise as people indulge in a lot of junk food, getting wet in the run just for the fun, wrong footwear etc", points Dr Bharat Jagiasi, critical care intensivist at Sunrise Hospital. He lists out different type of monsoon related illnesses, symptoms and ways to prevent it.

Diseases related to monsoon are of various types: 
Water Borne: Cholera, Typhoid, Hepatitis A, Diarrhoea
Vector-borne: Malaria, dengue, haemorrhagic fever
Due to exposure to water/rain: Hypothermia, Respiratory tract infections, Leptospirosis 
Due to exposure to water/rain: Hypothermia, Respiratory tract infections, Leptospirosis
Sudden Drop in temperature may influence one's health especially of those who areallergic to cold or asthmatics
Viral respiratory tract infections are on the rise as we tend to get wet very often which again leads to bacterial infection.
Leptospirosis is an infectious disease that can occur in humans. High risk factors include close association with animals and dirty water.
Diarrhoea results from viral infections, bacterial infections, or parasitic infestations. These pathogens typically reach the large intestine after entering orally, through ingestion of contaminated food or water, oral contact with contaminated objects or hands, and so on. It can be managed by maintaining fluids by using oral rehydration therapy. If this treatment cannot be adequately maintained due to vomiting or the profuseness of diarrhea, hospital admission may be required for intravenous fluid replacement. In severe cases it can lead to shock (low blood pressure), kidney failure. 
Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease caused by a parasite. People with malaria often experience fever, chills, and flu-like illness. Left untreated, they may develop severe complications and die.
Dengue fever is a disease caused by viruses that are transmitted to people by mosquitoes. Dengue fever usually causes fever (high, about 104 F-105 F), skin rash , and pain (headaches and often severe muscle and joint pains).
The disease has also been termed "breakbone" or "dandy fever" because the unusually severe muscle and joint pains can make people assume distorted body positions or exaggerated walking movements in an effort to reduce their pain. 
Chikungunya is transmitted similarly to dengue fever and causes an illness with an acute febrile phase lasting two to five days, followed by a longer period of joint pains in the extremities; this pain may persist for years in some cases. 
Drowning is the leading cause of death in cases of flash floods and coastal floods. Glass debris and nails found in all sorts of floods cause small lacerations or punctures. Sometimes fatal injuries can occur during evacuation or during cleanup activities.
Electrocution and electric shocks can take place when there is flooding
Road traffic accident: Monsoon season is here and brings increased riding hazards for motorcyclists and potential for accidents. Riders should know -- and practice -- proper risk management.
  • Monsoon is the time when dirty water mixed with sewage and soil can cause infections. Overflowing ground water can contaminate tap water too. "Make drinking water safe by boiling, filtering and by using ultraviolet purifiers to ensure its purity. Or just stick to bottled mineral water to protect yourself against water borne diseases" informs Dr Bharat. 
  • Prevent stagnation of water near your house, in flower pots, coolers etc. All sources of water such as wells and storage tanks should be covered and cleaned to avert breeding of mosquitoes and prevent mosquito borne diseases. Use insect repellents, disinfectants and take precautions to stay away from mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches and termites. Dried neem leaves, camphor or cloves emit fresh odour. 
  • Clean your salads and leafy vegetables under running water, steaming them is the best way to get rid of germs. Soaking the greens in salt water for about 10 minutes can help remove germ Avoid eating roadside food items such as cut fruits, chaat, ‘pani puris' or salads. Eat only freshly cooked food.
  • During monsoon, special attention is required to prevent fungal feet. Keep them dry. 
  • Opt for open shoes during hot and humid days to prevent fungal feet.
  • Do not wear wet clothes for long to prevent fungal infections of the skin or nails.
  • Diabetics should not walk bare foot since the soil on which they walk is a reservoir of all types of germs.
  • Wash your hands before handling food, after eating food and after visiting the toilet. 
  • Avoid motorcycling in the rain if possible. Those who must ride should take extra precautions.
  • Slow down. Rain causes oil in the road to rise to the surface. Water and oil make the road both wet and slick.

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