Wednesday 14 September 2016

Health Benefits of Tomatoes

The health benefits of tomatoes include improved eye sight, good stomach health, and reduced blood pressure, as well as relief from diabetesskin problems and urinary tract infections. Furthermore, tomatoes can increase digestion, stimulate blood circulation, reduce cholesterol levels, improve fluid balance, protect the kidneys, detoxify the body, prevent premature aging, and reduce inflammation and related conditions. Tomatoes consist of a large number of antioxidants that have been proven to fight different forms of cancer. It is a rich source of vitamins and minerals and exerts a protective effect against cardiovascular diseases.
Tomato is considered both, a fruit and vegetable and forms an integral part of cuisines all across the globe, especially in the Mediterranean region. Daily consumption of tomatoes provides a great boost to health, along with improving the flavor of food. You find tomatoes in countless different foods, including pastas, pizzas, ketchup, various beverages, and as an included flavor element in dishes from breakfast to dinner. Tomatoes are relatively easy to cultivate and grow very quickly, making them a quickly replaceable food source, which is a big reason why it is a staple food for many nations.
The scientific name of tomatoes is Solanum lycopersicum, and it is believed to be native to Mexico. However, the Spanish colonization of America and Central America caused tomato cultivation to spread. It is an annual nightshade plant, and grows in clusters of small to moderately sized, round red fruits. Tomatoes have soft, pinkish red flesh and a number of seeds, as well as a slightly sweet taste. They are considered both vegetables and fruits, and they typically weight approximately 4 ounces.
Nowadays, tomatoes are grown in countries all around the world, and there are thousands of different cultivars and varieties of tomatoes that can provide you with unique health benefits. Let’s explore a few of the reasons why they are such a valuable food item for human health.
The many health benefits of tomatoes can be attributed to their wealth of nutrients and vitamins, including an impressive amount of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as significant amounts of vitamin B6, folate, and thiamin. Tomatoes are also a good source of potassiummanganesemagnesium, phosphorous, and copper. Tomatoes also have dietary fiber and protein, as well as a number of organic compounds like lycopene that also contribute to the overall health benefits that tomatoes can confer to our health!

Health Benefits of Tomatoes

The health benefits of tomatoes have been known to mankind since ancient times. Tomatoes are rich sources of antioxidants that have been proven to be effective against many forms of cancer. Some of the other health benefits of tomatoes are as follows:
Organictomato1Abundant Source of Antioxidants: Tomato contains a large amount of lycopene, an antioxidant that is highly effective in scavenging cancer causing free radicals. This benefit can even be obtained from heat-processed tomato products like ketchup. The lycopene in tomatoes defends against cancer and has been shown to be particularly effective in fighting prostate cancer, cervical cancer, cancer of the stomach and rectum as well as pharynx and esophageal cancers. It also protects against breast cancer and cancer of the mouth, according to studies published by the Harvard School of Public Health.

1 comment:

  1. i like tomatoes.. thanks your sharing, tomatoes is a good for health
