Monday 13 June 2016

Top body care tips for women

Every person likes to take special care of their body. Your whole body is exclusive and you should get it treated uniquely. Pampering your skin is the foremost thing that one should do to give it a break from the rotine hectic schedule. Receive helpful suggestions about body treatment – from head to toes including skin, palms, feet, face etc. These kind of simple and easy remedies will certainly improve your overall natural splendor.

Hair Care

  • Essential oil massage therapy before hair bath would help in treating the hair and leave it long and lustrous.
  • Use coconut essential oil with lemon juice and extra virgin olive oil to clear dandruff.
  • Make use of castor oil for new hair growth.
  • Egg white with curd is the most suitable conditioner for hair.
  • For bright and long tresses rinse it tea.

Hands/legs care

  • The way you treat your hands/legs helps in regulating different body ailments.
  • Massage therapy with extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice at night would help retain the moisture on the skin and leave it smooth and supple.
  • Make use of egg white as hand/feet face mask to generate your skin & stay clear of facial lines.
  • Resort to typical manicures/pedicures

Eye care

  • Eat spinach and drink lots of water to stop a variety of vision complications.
  • Use a mixture of almond and milk beneath the eyes.
  • Take slices of cucumber or potatoes and place it on your eyes to help it relax and at the same time get rid of drak circles, wrinkles, freckels, fine lines etc.

Skin care

Skin care tips for teenage girls
A number of easy tips to keep the skin flawless and beautiful:
  • Use a mixture of egg  and honey to clear skin tanning.
  • Honey, lemon juice and essential oil is an excellent moisturizer for dry skin.
  • Cucumber juice with milk works as a good solution for soothing the skin.

Top body care tips for women

Tips for glowing body skin

You can now get wonderful pieces of tips that will help you make your entire body glow without any side effect. No expensive products from the market are needed to make your skin and body polished. For this, you need a teaspoon of rose water, lime juice (1 teaspoon), glycerin of same quantity. Now mix all the ingredients really well and store it in a bottle. Now, you need to apply this solution like oil throughout your body before bath to get a soft and glowing skin tone.

Treatment for tired and puffy eyes

You must have rose water at home if not you can use freshly obtained rose petals and get juice out of it. Dip a cotton ball over the rose water solution and place it slowly over your closed eyes. Slowly rub the cotton ball in circular movement and keep the wet cotton ball over both of your eyes for 20 minutes. Mean while you can take a short nap and relax. This is a wonderful remedy of removing puffiness from your eyes entirely.

Treatment for wrinkles around eyes

Benefits of lavender oil for body care
Getting wrinkles around eyes has become a common problem for all those who are little aged. But, proper maintenance can easily mend this problem. For making your eyes wrinkle free, you need to get the ingredients like raw milk- 3 table spoon and honey of same quantity. Mix both milk and honey and warm the solution slightly over the flame. Now, you need to apply it round your eyes in a circular movement and keep it as it is for a period of 30 minutes. Once the time is over, you need to wash off with warm water. This is really an effective natural solution with the help of which wrinkles around your eye region can be washed away.

Tips for dark spot removal

It is quite common to see dark spots over the face of many people especially face and even hands in severe cases. Egg yolk is a wonderful remedy in this regard. You need to take out the white part of egg after breaking it and separate it from the egg yolk. You also need a cup of curd in this process. Make a good mixture of egg yolk as well as curd and apply it over your face and other parts of your body. You can also apply it on those parts where dark spots can be visibly seen. This is a lengthier treatment thus you need to keep it over your face for 1 hour consistently. Once the time is over, you need to wash your face and other areas where you wish to remove the dark spot so formed. Apart from eradicating the dark spots over your face, this also helps making your skin glow naturally.

Tips for softening feet and hands

Both hands and feet are an important part of an individual’s body. But, people hardly care their feet as well as hands. If you too are among those people who hardly have care towards hands and feet, this is the time to change your mentality and think about caring for hands and feet. There is also a natural and home remedy to get your feet smooth and attractive. For this, you would require ½ teaspoon of vinegar and half cup of curd. You need to mix both the ingredients really well and keep on massaging over your feet especially the heel portion and every part of your hands. After massaging is done, you need to leave it for 5-10 minutes time. Now, just wash it off with water.
Tips for dark elbow and knees
You can easily see darkness in elbows and knees of various individuals. Even if a lady has a beautiful skin, she might not have knees and elbow smooth and white in color. But, there are ways through which you can easily make your elbow and knees look beautiful. The main ingredient required for this process is fresh lime juice. First of all you need to take two limes and cut it into pieces. You can simply apply it over the elbows and knees where darkness prevails or take out juice from it at first and then apply it over the affected area. After applying this lime juice over your elbows and knees you can leave it for 20 minutes and remove it with the towel soaked in hot water. The result will be great if you can apply it on a regular basis.

Warts treatment at home

Some warts that are formed over some skin layers in your body may not be harmful but looks really odd. Thus, people try hard to remove it from the skin layer entirely. But, the warts formed around the fingers, wrist and ankle are quite hard to remove. But you can easily remove it with the help of raw potato at home. First of all, you need to take a raw potato and slice it. Now take out the juice out of the raw potato and apply it over your surrounding fingers where you have warts. You need to use a cotton ball and massage the area really well. After doing the massage for 10 minutes, you can wash off the juice with warm water.

Tips for smooth skin

Do you want to get smooth skin naturally? Ripe papaya would be one of the important remedies in this regard. Take 50 grams of ripe papaya and make a paste out of it. Now add 5 drops of olive oil over it and mix both the ingredients really well. You need to apply it over your skin of body where dryness is found. This can give you smooth skin naturally, if you can carry on with this practice twice in a day.

Natural hair conditioner

Milk is a very good conditioner both for your skin as well as hair. Since hair is also an important part of your body, proper care for hair is very important. Luckily you can get tips to nourish your hair naturally with milk. For this treatment procedure, you require sold raw milk which is cold. Use a brush to apply this milk over your hair just before you go to bath. You can also use comb or finger tips to do this application. Using a spray bottle is also effective. Now, you can use a regular shampoo and wash off milk entirely. Milk acts as a natural conditioner which will be really effective in making your hair silky and soft throughout. You must apply this for 2 days in a week to get well conditioned hair.

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