Wednesday 29 June 2016


The idea that spending time in nature can make you feel better is intuitive. We all feel this to be true, and many of us have anecdotes of our own or from friends or family that support that idea. People who have been suffering from stress, sickness, or a trauma can spend quiet contemplative time in gardens or taken to the mountains or woods to heal. But nature is not just wilderness. The benefits of nature can also be found in our communities’ parks and green spaces.  

Researchers are amassing a body of evidence, proving what we all know to be true: nature is good for us and has both long and short term mental and physical health benefits.

Below you’ll find hundreds of free research studies, news articles, and case studies, organized by adult and children health topics:
According to the National Academy of Sciences, “nature-based recreation” has decreased 25 percent in the last 40 years. The truth -- one we all know without researchers and pundits telling us -- is that we spend more time inside and are increasingly more sedentary. Getting outside and active provides us with general health benefits.
How Nature Helps
Dr. Richard J. Jackson is integral in the push to design healthy communities. Dr. Jackson was director of the National Center for Environmental Health and star of the PBS series Designing Healthy Communities, as well as author of the series’ companion book. He believes that health issues begin not when a patient is unwell, but well before.

Dr. Jackson argues that people who live in communities that are walkable, have access to bike trails, and are near parks and green space have higher levels of health than those in communities lacking those amenities.
Recognizing that health benefits come from increased access to green space in cities, health insurance companies in Portland, Oregon were recently major supporters of a $227 million bond issue, which was dedicated to the acquisition of additional green space in that city.   
Brooklyn-Bridge-Park-Adult-General-Health.jpgBrooklyn Bridge Park / Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates, Inc.
Parks and Other Green Environments: Essential Components of a Healthy Human Habitat, National Recreation and Park Association, 2010

Effect of Forest Bathing Trips on Human Immune Function,”Environmental Health and Preventative Medicine, 2010 

Morbidity is Related to Green Living Environment,”
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
, 2009

Vitamin G: Green Environments, Healthy Environments,” Utrecht University, 2008

"Contributions of Public Parks to Physical Health," 
American Journal of Public Health, 

Healthy Nature Healthy People: ‘Contact with Nature’ as an Upstream Health Promotion Intervention for Populations,”
Health Promotion International
, 2005

"Urban Residential Environments and Senior Citizens’ Longevity in Megacity Areas: The Importance of Walkable Green Spaces," Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 2002 

Beyond Toxicity: Human Health and the Natural Environment,” American Journal of Preventative Medicin

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