Thursday 23 June 2016

20 Easy Ways To Save The Environment

  1. Use compact fluorescent light bulbs:
    It is true that these bulbs are more expensive, but they last much longer and they can save energy and in the long term your electricity bill would be reduced.
2. Choose more local, organic and seasonal food. This will reduce unnecessary transportation ways, keep the environment cleaner and your body healthier.
3. Buy only as much as you will eat. This will help to reduce waste and the over-production of food which will save natural resources and habitats. It will also save you money.
4. Reduce unnessasary packaging, bring your own reusable bags. This will reduce the amount of trash that is polluting our environment. Remember, plastic is the enemy of the environment.
5. Replace plastic whenever possible. Start with using glass bottles instead of plastic bottles for example.
6. Choose small businesses over big brands. Small businesses do not put out nearly the toxins and trash as larger corporations.
7. Buy less, “period”. Ask yourself more often if you really need what you are about to buy. This will not only reduce waste and save natural recources but also save you money.
8. Turn of any lights and electronics when they are not being used.
9. Let hair and clothes dry by themselves if possible. This is not only better for the environment but also for your hair and clothes.
10. Set the washing mashine to lower temperatures. Yes, your clothes will still be clean.
11. Whenever possible, use more environmentally friendly ways of transportation.
12. Be a smooth driver. The gas consumption of fast acceleration and breaking is especially high. Pretend that you are driving with a full glass of water that you don’t want to spill. This will make you drive more smoothly automatically.
13. Walk, run, jump, swim, climb. Remember that your body is designed to get you from place to place. It will also keep you healthy.
14. Don’t let water run when you don’t use it. For example while brushing your teeth or when you shampoo your hair. It will save a lot of water!
15. Run dishwasher and washing mashine only with full loads.
16. Use environmentaly friendly cleaning/household products. You find them in regular stores and they are not even much more expensive. They won’t pollute the water with toxins.
17. Use real towles and washable fabrics instead of paper towles. Or at least use them sparingly. This will help save the rainforests.
18. Recycle and use recycled products.
19. Use your cellphone less. A new study has directly linked cellphones to the mass exstinction of bees. Bees are critical to our food production since they are responsible for pollinating plants.
20. Plant a tree. Trees clean our air and create oxygen. This is a great way to compansate for the pollution of our environment.

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